I moved

I think big changes in your life deserve blog postings, right?  And maybe writing is just for me to be able to synthesize my thoughts. 

I really liked my roommates.  They were easy to get along with.  I learned a lot from all of them.  One of them forced me to be up to date with domestic politics, another introduced me to new technology and lots of pop culture, another was an artist and I loved the way she decorated, another was very athletic.  They were all happy and I enjoyed coming home every day which is really lucky.

One thing I really enjoy about single life is living with lots of different people.  I’ve now lived with so many different kinds of people that I have a better sense about what it’s like to come from different walks of life, different cultures, races, and countries.  They all have a story and a reason for why they are the way they are.  They all want respect.  Every time I live with another group of people I pick up new habits and ways of thinking, it’s fun. 

Now I’m in a house.  I’ve lived here before.  I can’t wait to see what the next adventure holds.  I used to think that I would grow up and life would suddenly get boring.  I can’t even remember the last time I was bored.  I love contributing to humanity and exploring and creating new roads. 

I plan to make the next few blog entries either thoughts or things I’ve written in the past which I have stashed in different places.  Although some of the stuff I have written here is under the category of fiction, it all comes from real life experiences.  I haven’t learned to write fiction very well yet.  I want to learn to take real life and make it tangible in writing even if it has fictional characters and a twist. 

Now I sign off on this eventful moving day.

One Response to “I moved”
  1. Caroline says:

    To write a mixture of fact and fiction is the most exciting way to write, I find.

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