Milked Cows Don’t Stay Milked

If you look close, this is Loa, UT.  It’s a town just outside of Capital Reef National Park and it’s where my friend Alicia Darley works as a therapist for troubled teens at a place called Aspen Ranch.  And it was an adventure into a life where time runs a lot slower and harvesting and animals can determine when you get out of bed.

Normally I would drive through a town like this and not even know I had been there but this time I got a sneak peek into its fabric.  Alicia could tell me about people living in the grey house with the fence or the family across the street or the neighbors with the cat.  An old co-worker of Alicia’s even paid her a call and volunteered to take her cat out and shoot it.  I learned a little about real man jeans versus the other kind, why people where boots, and the purposes of cow boy hats.

So we get to church and all the speakers threw out pastoral analogies right and left.  Things like, “You all know the sayin’, ‘Milked cows don’t stay milked.’  We do???  You know what one of the higlights of the whole experience was?  The stars.  You could actually see them and sometimes I forget how many there are.  It’s incredible.

Thanks Alicia.

This is a cop car to fake out toursists.  The guy in the car is actually a dummy.  Look close.

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