Single Guys and Hunting Season

I thought I would dedicate a post to my neighbors.

These guys are machines!  They are about 21-22 and extremely prolific daters.  Holy cow.  The hunting season starts around Friday evening and stretches all the way until Monday night.  There is a constant stream of girls–different girls–going in and out of their apartment.  They can’t even say hi without flirting.

For about a week after we all moved in, at about 2 or 3 in the morning I would hear what sounded like a bowling ball dropping on the floor and then a lot of loud boy giggling. If you thought boys don’t giggle, they do.  And they sound just like girls.  I really wanted to bang on my wall and to tell them to shut up but I have learned from my brothers that the cardinal rule of getting boys to stop driving you insane is to not react.  After that week they completely stopped like it was some kind of initation into the hunting party.

I can’t knock what they do, though.  I now believe there’s as many ways to meet your match as there are personalities.  So it has got me thinking about some myths I’ve had about dating.

Where and How You Meet is Important:

Last year I met this girl who met her husband in a grocery store.  Can you imagine the guy seeing her from across the produce going, “Wow. Check out that chick handle those vegetables!”  They sat telling me their story on the couch oogly googly–you know what I mean–talking about fate.  I’m thinking–you guys are messed up.  If that was fate, then I can think of a lot of fate that…never mind.  The grocery store.  Bless their souls, they will probably be uber happy–and have a funny story to tell.

Age is Important:

I have discovered that people of all sorts of ages marry people of all sorts of ages.  There was a man who blew this myth for me-that guys are supposed to be older than the girls.  He was in DC when I was living there and a grandfather already.  He and his wife were super happy so a bunch of us raggly taggly single people asked how they met.  He got this mischevious glint in his eye and a smile while he talked about how he convinced this older woman to marry him.  It was like he was telling us about his prize kill or something.  Ok…  So this story has opened my eyes to a much wider field.  In the last year I’ve been asked out by guys as young as 20 and as old as 50 something.  Although I try to wipe out the 50 something ask out experience from my memory.

Distance is Important:

This one I stuggle with although dating long distance in 2008 is so much different with Facebook and blogging.  Here’s a great story.  This past summer I ran into an old friend who is stationed in Jerusalem for 2 years.  He told me he just got engaged to a girl back in the States so I asked him to tell me how that happened.  Aparently he went home on a 2-week break, met the girl, dated her over email, etc, flew out during his vacations and got married a few weeks ago.  He kept telling me that when it’s right, distance doesn’t matter.  So, it doesn’t matter apparently.  He knew of the girl before from his sister who had been trying to get them to date for a long time but he wouldn’t.  So, it wasn’t like he had no prior background but still…  Maybe brothers should listen to their sisters sometimes.  (I had to put that in because I have 3 brothers, whom I love and sometimes want to strangle.)

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