Weekend of Straight Hair

I straighten my hair on special ocassions and when I’m going for a sleek sexy look.  This weekend was full of reasons for straight hair.  And I’m super flattered that guys think it’s hot.  However, I really hope the guy I end up with also has a thing for my curly hair.  It takes me an hour to straighten and there is a lot of sizzle involved.  In short: I’m a girl with naturally brown curly hair and I really like it so I hope you do, too.

4 Responses to “Weekend of Straight Hair”
  1. Anonymous says:

    They Better! Heaven knows Curly hair is da’ bomb! 🙂

  2. Anonymous says:

    Also, Just a tip. If anyone is around to help you do your hair. Have them use the clothes iron. It will cut time in half AND, your hair will be as straight as Barbie’s! 🙂

  3. holly says:

    Your curly hair is awesome! I love it!

  4. llcall says:

    i do indeed! and i wanna hear more about the weekend 🙂

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