Bachelor Engineered

You may see a couple posts from me in the next two days.  I was itching to write after my cousin, Lindsay, filled me in on some details about the reality show “Bachelor”.  It’s engineered.  Not that I didn’t realize that before but I had no idea to what extent.  Here are a few of my thoughts on love and romance after contemplating “Bachelor” realities.

1-If the guy thinks someone else is better for him, if you know you’re quality, stuff like that doesn’t matter in the long run.

2-A good fit is important to me.  Marriage, at least in my oppinion is worth the sacrifices when he’s a good fit.  Perfection isn’t my goal, satisfaction in a relationship and happiness potential matter to me.  I don’t care exactly what he looks like or what he does as long as I feel like we generally fit.

3-Romance doesn’t replace reality.  I dated a guy once who was super good at the romantic part.  He just had this pet peave for people signing in public places.  Did I mention that at the time I was a full time professional sign language interpreter?  Passion is important but he can’t hate what you do.

4-Myth: Older girls are automatically desperate, picky, too focused on careers, etc.  If you’re a guy and feel that way, you probably should be dating younger girls.  I actually know a ton of cool guys that prefer dating older girls, though.  An older girl knows who she is and has probably had a few reality checks.  Who wouldn’t want that in long term committment?

3 Responses to “Bachelor Engineered”
  1. llcall says:

    I’m so glad you didn’t mention all that I told you, or where I got my information. Everyone would lose respect for me if they knew what I had been doing for the last week. HAHA!

    I wanna know who the guy in #3 is 🙂

  2. bookncurls says:

    You asked?? The guy in #3 was bugged that people signed for the deaf in the MTC because of a pet peave. I didn’t know what to think at first. What do you even respond to someone who honestly doesn’t like signing and you are a prof interpreter. “Why are you dating me?” (name withheld)

    I guess I can understand when guys don’t like secret conversations about them in sign but with deaf people??

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