Greg Mortenson

Greg Mortenson completely won me over today in his forum address to students at Brigham Young University.  I was actually struggling to get through the book, Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace…One School at a Time.  However, the reasons I was struggling through it were completely cleared up today. I made … Continue reading

KSL News

On the KSL 10:00pm news with anchor Deanie Wimmer as a language teacher in Provo High School’s International Baccalaureate program.  We are standing on the field in front of the student body during half time of the Provo-Timpview football game.  I just watched it.  They put a clip of me saying hello in the languages … Continue reading

World Travel in Your Head

Someone just asked me what it was like to switch from speaking Mandarin to Arabic in a short space of time.  It got me thinking. A story: When I lived in England, my best friend was Chinese, Song Ran.  We spoke only Mandarin together.  One day we were in a group of people who only … Continue reading

Finding a moderate Arab voice

I am very turned off by extremists in any direction.  I came to value moderate views living among Israelis and Palestinians.  I saw the futility of bunkering into a position that ultimately leads no one anywhere.  The win only creates a loss creating another need to win. I want to find moderate Arab voices.  I … Continue reading

Egyptian Ambassador

Egyptian Ambassador to the United States Sameh Shoukry spoke at BYU today about Egyptian views of Peace and Politics in the Middle East.  My co-teacher, Mohamed El Naggar and I met him and his wife (seated just below in the picture) following the speech.  After I was introduced as an Arabic teacher the whole conversation … Continue reading

International Baccalaureate

I just returned from a weekend training from International Baccalaureate (IB).  Provo High School is an International Baccalaureate World School.  Some of my Arabic classes are IB hence I am learning their curriculum and strategy. I’m now ramping up courses, excited about the growing number of students who now have an option to learn on … Continue reading

Say that again?

What I meant to say was, “Deaf people have periods…in ASL,”  but the last part didn’t quite come out before the class burst out laughing.  For some odd reason, lately, we’ve been laughing in class.  Not at people of course. The other day students were hunched over in tears laughing so hard.  The Signing Naturally … Continue reading

Dreams from My Father

Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance is an autobiographical look at Obama’s life written while he was in his 30’s.  It’s a book of discovering himself and the influences that race and inheritance play in that make up.  Several conversations he relates reminded me of similar conversations I was party to … Continue reading

Hosting a Jordanian Administrator

Abeer Harazneh, an administrator from Jordan, is staying with me tonight beginning her 10 day visit to Provo High School and Brigham Young University.  She will later be staying with administrators from the high school shadowing them during the day.  I’m to facilitate the cultural adjustments between Jordan and the US.  I’m brushing up on … Continue reading