Say that again?

What I meant to say was, “Deaf people have periods…in ASL,”  but the last part didn’t quite come out before the class burst out laughing.  For some odd reason, lately, we’ve been laughing in class.  Not at people of course.

The other day students were hunched over in tears laughing so hard.  The Signing Naturally textbook has a unit about complaining.  It was my job to help the students complain accurately.  I have to admit, I couldn’t hold it in either.

Note: I probably could have phrased it better but ASL does have periods and other grammatical markings.  William Stokoe and others have done research into fluent deaf signers with inherited deafness and found evidence of such linguistic structures.  But most people, not natively deaf, would miss them without a frame to frame analysis.

One Response to “Say that again?”
  1. llcall says:

    this cracked me up, auds! interesting about the punctuation…i took 3 semesters of ASL and never learned that.

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