Finding a moderate Arab voice

I am very turned off by extremists in any direction.  I came to value moderate views living among Israelis and Palestinians.  I saw the futility of bunkering into a position that ultimately leads no one anywhere.  The win only creates a loss creating another need to win.

I want to find moderate Arab voices.  I didn’t even know they existed but I think I might be starting to stumble upon them.  Arabs who can check some of the passion and bring logic and common sense to the table.  These are Arabs I am beginning to respect and even admire.  I am lucky that my co-teacher Mohamed El Naggar is very moderate and sensible.

As he speaks about the Arab states and their relationship to the West I can feel my perspective slowly changing.  Our whole community is lucky to have him visit schools.  If Americans in general could see a moderate Arab voice, I can’t even imagine what could happen.

2 Responses to “Finding a moderate Arab voice”
  1. llcall says:

    you’ve piqued my interest about Mohamed’s views. i agree with you about moderate voices and lament the fact that often the extremists get the most “air time.”

  2. Steve Church says:

    Living close to several Saudi families, I would like to share some moderate information with them in their native tongue. What websites can I go to? Thanks, Steve

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