Dating Revisited

I took my original post about dating down because I didn’t feel like it needed to be said on my blog.  I’m pretty happy and ultimately I don’t care when or if it happens.  I just care that if and when it does happen, I will be happy.

Tonight, I went back to read the blog of a guy I had a super crush on for over a year.  When I went to Egypt, he started dating someone and at the time it killed me.  I just read that he stopped dating her.  I kinda was wondering how I’d feel about it–but it is definitely over for me.  The story emphasizes my belief in timing.  I met him right before he was to leave for a year, he came home and I left for Egypt.  He could be a good guy.  I could be a good girl.  But in the end, timing is everything.  He’s not exactly the best example of this in my life because we never got a chance to date.  However, I’ve been pretty serious with guys and almost got married twice but when it came right down to it, it just wasn’t right and both of us felt it.

So, now I have decided to let dating come and go as it pleases and focus on the things that are going really well in my life.  Starting with my job and at least for now, my chances to learn Arabic.  I’ve learned something from deaf people after interpreting and being around them so much.  Sometimes, you have to take what you’ve been given and make the best of it and get on with life.  Not worry about all the things that you don’t have.  I totally like guys.  One day the timing won’t matter so much, and the little stupid scared things I do when I like someone won’t matter so much, and it will all work out just like it has with my friends.

2 Responses to “Dating Revisited”
  1. Nellene says:

    I think you are right on with this post. I got so frustrated with all those people who told me…”You just haven’t met the right one”… and “It will just happen”. Well they were right…so annoying! You have so much to give and are giving so much! God knows what he is doing and so do you.

  2. bookncurls says:

    I love you Nellene!!! I’m sad I’m going to miss you at Christmas.

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