Commuter Plane and Charleston, SC

I’m back home in Jackson Hole for Thanksgiving.  I took a commuter plane from SLC to Jackson.  A woman from Charleston, South Carolina sat next to me.  Very talkative.  Woke up at 3:00am Boston time to catch my flight out, I was kinda dreading the pleasantries.

But then she told me her husband died 2 years ago in her arms of cancer and not too long after that it came up that her first husband had died in a car crash.  She was still struggling with his passing now almost 62 years old.  Her family is in Jackson.  She looked good and seemed upbeat, though.

It made me think what it might be like losing the man you love after 26 years of happy marriage.

2 Responses to “Commuter Plane and Charleston, SC”
  1. llcall says:

    it definitely makes you ponder that old saying, “better to have loved and lost…” i think i’m still conflicted about it.

  2. bookncurls says:

    I didn’t think of that. Interesting. I was actually thinking about how amazing it is that your life can go along and then one day it changes without even realizing it.

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