General David Petraeus

General David Petraeus spoke at Brigham Young University this evening.  I bribed students with extra credit to go but I don’t think I even needed to do that.  The best part is I got a phone call right after the talk from two of them letting me know they were there and what they thought about it.

He was great.  He loosened the crowd up with some jokes, was very respectful and admiring to his peers in the audience, and took questions after the two main, but brief, points he came to deliver.  Generally, yes.  He stuck to the US official party line, which in his position he likely developed.

The point I liked, though, is when he said that he believed that more civilian efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan are needed and less military presence.  I believe many of us fall into the trap that our role is more important than it really is.  I admire the trait in people to see past their role and make bigger things happen.

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