“Do you like coffee?”

I mentioned a while back that this has been an adjustment.  So what I’m about to say will probably seem ridiculous.

So these guys once in a while ask me if I want to go for some coffee.  I give them my typical Mormon response, “No thanks.”  And then I think, ‘What is it with guys and coffee?’

Then, last week, a guy came up to me and asked me, “Do you like coffee?”  For a split second I drew a complete blank “??????”.  My interpreter brain was asking, ‘Is he really trying to ask me if I like coffee?  Why would he care?’  A little unnerved I responded outside of my normal frame, “I’m Mormon.  I don’t drink coffee.”

“How about dinner, then?”

Ohhhhhhh.  I forgot.  That’s a typical pick up line.  Coffee.  Of course.

We did do dinner.

2 Responses to ““Do you like coffee?””
  1. llcall says:

    This made me laugh. Good thing he went from coffee to dinner, instead of coffee to a beer 🙂

  2. Nellene says:

    The answer to this little problem….caramel apple cider…. Starbuck’s is delicious and 100% caffeine free. The other option…steamers…hot milk with yummy flavors. I love the coffee house scene without the coffee.

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