Revolution 2.0 and Arabic Teaching

“I will call it Revolution 2.0.” Wael Ghonim, the Google rep in Egypt, called his internet driven protest, “Revolution 2.0″ on CNN.

I am of course following closely the events in Egypt, but I’m also listening to Egyptian singers and watching Egyptian movies.  This is a week to be saturated with Egypt.  Ironically it also comes on the week that I resigned from my Arabic teaching job.  The time slot for the Arabic teaching job was cutting deep into my other work.  To keep the job I had to turn down a lot of other work.  It’s hard to explain.

It was a tender last Arabic class with the students.  I love those guys.  Who knows what’s next.  I hope people will learn more about the Middle East.  Many Americans didn’t see this coming because we’ve been misinformed for too long.

4 Responses to “Revolution 2.0 and Arabic Teaching”
  1. holly says:

    I enjoyed bonding with Helen last night about what a gifted teacher you are. I totally agree. You are awesome. Sorry the demand required a change. Somehow, I’m sure it will creep back into your life, mashallah!

  2. bookncurls says:

    شكرا حببتي. إن شاء الله سيكون فرصة قادمة.

  3. llcall says:

    I agree with Holly…I fully expect it to creep back in, in just the right way and time.

  4. bookncurls says:

    Thanks guys. Just riding the wind right now.

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