Snowboarding on the Orange

I worked on my stabilizer muscles for snowboarding on the metro home tonight.  Standing room only and the nearest convenient hand brace was above my head so it was the perfect excuse.  The Orange Line between Foggy Bottom and Metro Center has a few curves and the guy was driving pretty fast.  With a bag on the shoulder the weight distribution is a little different.  Feet planted, some give in the knees, and slight tilting, you don’t need to hold the hand rails.

It must have been a show, or I looked pretty hot, because when I turned around to get off the metro, several people smiled and turned their heads back.  I personally think I was both pretty cool and super hot at the same time cause snowboarder chicks are.

2 Responses to “Snowboarding on the Orange”
  1. Helen says:

    Last night I rode the Orange between Foggy and Metro. My driver wasn’t going very fast. I want to ride your train. Sounds too fun!!!

  2. llcall says:

    You are a braver and stronger woman than I. I about passed out anytime I couldn’t get a seat on the metro!

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