Mormons are not Polygamous

One is Enough

Apparently there is this show people are reality tv show about a 41-year old man, Kody Brown with plural wives.  In Utah being married to more than one person is a third degree felony and police are investigating and will prosecute if there is enough evidence.   If you still believe Mormons are polygamous, I am going to ding you on two accounts.

One, as an otherwise intelligent person, I would expect you to doubt sensational stories.  Don’t you think that Mormons with lots of wives is a little sensational in modern life?

The reality: There are people who sometimes call themselves “Mormons” who skirt the law in small towns west of nowhere, spout weird doctrine and mostly dress socially unaware.  These are splinter groups that are excommunicated or never communicated and mainstream Mormons tend to think they’re brain-washed crazies.  These are two separate groups.

Two, you might not have a sense of how many Mormons are actually living and working around you.  Most people who are not Mormon tend to associate Mormons with the crazies mentioned above or Mormon missionaries with their suits and name tags.  If Mormons were polygamous based on our sheer numbers you would probably know a few lopsided families, but you don’t because we aren’t polygamous.

The reality: We’re everywhere, all over the world.  Likely you interact with a whole lot more Mormons than you realize.  We don’t wear any distinguishing mark such as a cross or hijab or yamuka so you’re probably not going to pick us out in a crowd.  It used to be that people could distinguish a Mormon because we don’t drink tea, coffee, or alcohol but now-a-days lots of people stop drinking these substances for health reasons anyway.  It’s logical.

(The photo is of my cousin’s husband on their wedding day.  They are both mainstream Mormon.)

2 Responses to “Mormons are not Polygamous”
  1. Katelin says:

    Stick it to the man! 🙂

  2. llcall says:

    What a hot guy! 😉 And I love this line: “These are splinter groups that are excommunicated or never communicated” — never communicated, LOL!

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