Arabic High School Teaching: A Sinking Ship

Another creative light was snuffed out in the winds of the national high school Arabic flagship. I found out about it last night and was sad.  People may not have liked everything this teacher was doing, but the person works in the trenches and made huge strides in unifying a significant amount of the country’s … Continue reading

Suddenly I have a Business

My cousin Lindsay who has a very cool by the way, requested more details about my business so here goes.

Revolution 2.0 and Arabic Teaching

“I will call it Revolution 2.0.” Wael Ghonim, the Google rep in Egypt, called his internet driven protest, “Revolution 2.0″ on CNN. I am of course following closely the events in Egypt, but I’m also listening to Egyptian singers and watching Egyptian movies.  This is a week to be saturated with Egypt.  Ironically it also … Continue reading

10-10-10 10:10:10

Today is a day to celebrate 10.  So in honor of this day of 10s, here is my list of 10 things for which I am grateful. 1.  You. I’m really grateful for people who read my blog.  I feel like you know a part of me that few people do.  Thanks for taking the … Continue reading

Arabic Teacher again

So I took the job.  I will be teaching Arabic in an After-School program at Washington Latin Public Charter School located in DC.  It is a little bit of a culture shock.  It’s a prep school; all the students wear uniforms.  Teachers wear skirts/ties.  Everyone is my age.  So far it seems like a fun … Continue reading

Shpeeeech?-Day 3

Ok.  So my favorite Iraqi phrase I’ve learned so far is: “Speeeech?”  It means, “What’s up?”  (to a girl). The best part of today, at least for me, and reportedly for our visitor as well, was Arabic class.  She shared about Iraq and the students showed off their Arabic skills and learned some Iraqi dialect.  … Continue reading News Story

Utah students to raise money for Iraqi school March 26th, 2010 @ 1:19pm By Randall Jeppesen PROVO — Close to 250 students from across the state are learning more about Arabic and what it’s like to be in the Middle East. Provo High School is hosting Arabic Camp Day Friday, which involves students already in … Continue reading

Leaving Provo High

I’ve decided not to return to Provo High next year. As some of you may know, the phrase under my picture on Facebook says, “Have I mentioned lately that I love my job?”  It is really true.  I’ve been there for five years and loved the students, the people I work with, and the opportunities … Continue reading

Arabic Camp Day, March 26

Yesterday, March 26th, 280 students from 9 schools came to Provo High for an Arabic Camp Day.  It was sponsored by the State Department: Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.  Provo High Arabic students facilitated the stations and mc’ed.  Catering students made the food.  The Deseret News sent a photographer and we’re in today’s morning … Continue reading

You’re Writing Sucks

I was really struggling with my Arabic students. Here’s my team:  I have very intelligent students, most are the oldest in their families, most are boys; most refused to do any homework before they even walked into my door.  They’re the kind of students who usually don’t have to do their work and know everything … Continue reading