Interpreting at Universities

Check this out. This really happens all the time. And you wonder how these guys get their PhDs.

A Herd of Goats and Other interpreting Snippets

Snippets from interpreting: Goats: I’m interpreting along.  It’s in-depth analysis type of stuff in a high level setting.  This requires from me intense concentration to first capture the meaning in English and then turn it into a comprehensible form of ASL. Suddenly they start talking about a herd of goats.  The sign for goats, in … Continue reading

New ASL Teacher

Today the new ASL teacher came to visit the classes to meet the students.  And, drum roll please….his name is Casey Bond.  Yep, for those of you who know, he’s Mr. Bond 009’s son.  He’s going to be amazing.  He’s a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults), signs like a native.  Has a great sense of … Continue reading

Court 2010

We did our Court Simulation in ASL today.  It’s a blast.  I mostly sit in the back and watch.

Pizza Factory Goodbye Party

More than expected I called Pizza Factory for our anual end-of-year ASL party.  30 is the minimum number for the group rate so I spent two weeks trying to get people to come.  Last year was our biggest year since I’ve been here and we had 37.  I also decided to make it the good-bye … Continue reading

Mandarin-ASL, Preview Iraq

Before I even start writing about this, I have to say that this is a girl who can get giddy over language.  Ask my students. So I have to report that I was hired to interpret a Mandarin class into ASL while I was in DC.  Holy freakin’ trippy.  When I got into the interpreting … Continue reading

Leaving Provo High

I’ve decided not to return to Provo High next year. As some of you may know, the phrase under my picture on Facebook says, “Have I mentioned lately that I love my job?”  It is really true.  I’ve been there for five years and loved the students, the people I work with, and the opportunities … Continue reading

What the Dog Saw “Most Likely to Succeed”

This is actually the article that I was referred to What the Dog Saw: And Other Adventures by Malcolm Gladwell to read.  It’s about picking the best teachers. Most Likely to Succeed: How do we Hire When we Can’t Tell Who’s Right for the Job? Gladwell compares picking quarterbacks for pro football to picking good … Continue reading

Counter-Intel Simulation

The end of our simulation is Feb 11.  It’s my favorite part of the year so I will dedicate a post. We do this simulation during class every day for three weeks in Level II-IV of ASL. We get full attendance in class except for the few students that absolutely cannot be in class and … Continue reading

Interpreting for Weddings

So I get asked to interpret for the ‘special day’ once in a while.  And, it’s been quite the experience.  My first time attending a Catholic wedding was to interpret.  You gotta realize, when I walk in the doors, I’m dressed for the occasion but I’m on the job; a machine.  I’m basically paid to … Continue reading