Dating Revisited

I took my original post about dating down because I didn’t feel like it needed to be said on my blog.  I’m pretty happy and ultimately I don’t care when or if it happens.  I just care that if and when it does happen, I will be happy. Tonight, I went back to read the … Continue reading

Guy gets a date signing

Ok.  So there’s this assignment where students try to experience a little about what it’s like to be deaf and then report about it in sign language.  Today one of the boys in the class gave his report.  Turned out to be a play by play of how he got this hot girl’s phone number … Continue reading

fb, blgs, & dAting

I’m being Arabic and not adding any vowels unless they are long.  Facebook, Blogs, and Dating First a tribute to my ubber cool married friends.  You all taught me that the happiest of marriages begin simply and naturally and can survive a few bumps.  Here’s to you.  Rachael, I tell your story all the time. … Continue reading

Single Guys and Hunting Season

I thought I would dedicate a post to my neighbors. These guys are machines!  They are about 21-22 and extremely prolific daters.  Holy cow.  The hunting season starts around Friday evening and stretches all the way until Monday night.  There is a constant stream of girls–different girls–going in and out of their apartment.  They can’t … Continue reading