Israel’s Ceasefire

I took down this post because I decided I would rather not get in the middle of it.  As I’ve mentioned before.  I have had good experiences with both peoples.  It is hard for me to watch conflict happening in Israel/Palestine.

Israeli incursions into Gaza

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is complex.  Moderate Israelis and Palestinians like each other.  It was refreshing to see this again this summer when I was there.  Many can speak each other’s languages and interact with tolerance. When the Israeli army causes the death toll to rise among Palestinians many Israelis become disenchanted with the military.  Many … Continue reading


People have been suffering in Gaza for a long time with water shortages and random border closings, etc.  It’s been a difficult place to live for a long time; most of it is covered in refugee camps.  The Palestinians that live there seem different to me than the ones I meet in the West Bank … Continue reading