Greg Mortenson

Greg Mortenson completely won me over today in his forum address to students at Brigham Young University.  I was actually struggling to get through the book, Three Cups of Tea: One Man’s Mission to Promote Peace…One School at a Time.  However, the reasons I was struggling through it were completely cleared up today. I made … Continue reading

Finding a moderate Arab voice

I am very turned off by extremists in any direction.  I came to value moderate views living among Israelis and Palestinians.  I saw the futility of bunkering into a position that ultimately leads no one anywhere.  The win only creates a loss creating another need to win. I want to find moderate Arab voices.  I … Continue reading

Hosting a Jordanian Administrator

Abeer Harazneh, an administrator from Jordan, is staying with me tonight beginning her 10 day visit to Provo High School and Brigham Young University.  She will later be staying with administrators from the high school shadowing them during the day.  I’m to facilitate the cultural adjustments between Jordan and the US.  I’m brushing up on … Continue reading

Mohamed El Naggar

Mohamed El Naggar is our exchange teacher from Egypt this year.  He has been a great asset.

Taraq Ibn Ziyad

Classes are very interesting.  We had a literature and a media class today.  The part I love is seeing the world from the eyes of the Middle East.  For example: Taraq Ibn Ziyad opened Andulusia (Spain) and the Straights of Gibralter are named after him.  In Arabic it’s called, “Gebel Taraq” or mountain of Taraq.  … Continue reading

Accosted by Germans

I was a very jet lagged American asleep on a Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to Alexandria.  I don’t know what I did but in the middle of the flight the German woman sitting behind me violently shook my seat (it felt like a mild car crash) and yelled at me in German for quite a … Continue reading

The Plans

Tomorrow early morning departure: DC (Orientation) June 25/26: 9 hour layover Frankfurt (In Sha Allah a look around the city) June 27:  Arrive in Egypt My grandpa called me on the phone to tell me Egypt was his favorite place to visit.  Didn’t know that before.  I love that guy.  I stopped by to see … Continue reading

Middle East a little hot

So this will be my fourth trip heading to the Middle East.  I’m getting the last details tied down and thinking about what’s ahead.  There’ve been well wishes and I will need them. You kinda have to be a tough cookie as an American girl.  There are guys who like to grab in Egypt.  And, … Continue reading

O’ Falafel

O’ Falafel is a new Middle Eastern restaurant in Salt Lake.  A little more cazh than Mazza and specializing in a slightly different menu.  Very delicious.  The falafels are amazing.  I took the Arabic students there today for dinner.  The owner Mustafa, a Palestinian from Jerusalem, sat with us for quite a while graciously speaking … Continue reading

Jerusalem: Windows

Where would you re-visit if you lived in Jerusalem for a year? Four windows draw me back every time. 1.  The Chagall Windows (Windows in a unique place) It’s not just that the windows are beautiful or interesting.  It’s where they’re located that ultimately draws me back.  In Ein Kerem, a suburb of Jerusalem, is … Continue reading