Twittering nEws

I twitter my news.  I got the idea from a Christian Science Monitor journalist presenting about how to make the Middle East come alive for high school students.  This is beyond cool.  There are news outlets which regularly publish English tweets from a variety of Middle Eastern countries and political bents.  A savvy teenager could … Continue reading

In the Newspaper today

Our West Bank trip is in the newspaper today. Check it out. Tuesday, 26 August 2008 Students return from West Bank trip Janice Peterson – DAILY HERALD Provo High School participates in Arabic study abroad program Four Provo High School students are returning to school this year with a unique perspective of the Arabic language … Continue reading

Daily Herald covers Palestinian Exchange

A reporter came to our class to cover our exchange with Palestinian students. It was a lot of fun. Friday, 02 May 2008 To the Mideast, with love Brittani Lusk – DAILY HERALD Students at Provo High have friends in diverse places. International Baccalaureate students studying Arabic have friends in the Middle East and they’ve … Continue reading


This is the beginning of a story I was writing. I got the detail from being in a live newsroom as they were about to begin the evening newscast. All of this really happened (with different names) except for the offended person at the end of the the story. I added that for a little … Continue reading