World Travel in Your Head

Someone just asked me what it was like to switch from speaking Mandarin to Arabic in a short space of time.  It got me thinking. A story: When I lived in England, my best friend was Chinese, Song Ran.  We spoke only Mandarin together.  One day we were in a group of people who only … Continue reading

Guy gets a date signing

Ok.  So there’s this assignment where students try to experience a little about what it’s like to be deaf and then report about it in sign language.  Today one of the boys in the class gave his report.  Turned out to be a play by play of how he got this hot girl’s phone number … Continue reading

He Flashes Me a Smile

So I’m down on the field during the Homecoming football game for some public relations things I’m doing with our exchange teacher from Egypt.  It’s fun because so many of my students are either players or cheerleaders, band, dancers, student government, or ROTC and doing push ups to the points scored.  They’re in my sign … Continue reading


Self Talk as part of language study I have been priveledged to meet and interact with some great minds.  I am guessing that Arabic is a draw for those minds.  It is a language deep and wide enough to suit minds who need the challenge.  My question this morning is: Is there room at the … Continue reading

I am an Interpreter

One night in the Salt Palace convention center in down town Salt Lake City I interpreted for a business conference for its constituents from across the United States. In the center’s largest room filled with approximately 7,000 people I asked an usher where they wanted the Sign Language interpreter. She pointed to a raised platform … Continue reading